CHICAGO, IL—A recent study found that Varium™, the natural growth promoter for poultry from Amlan International, performed better than antibiotics alone, delivering significant reductions in mortality, and improvements in feed conversion and intestinal health, for a 10:1 return on investment.
“As the reduction or elimination of antibiotics in broiler production continues to expand worldwide, Varium is proving to be an effective way to enhance the growth-promoting abilities of antibiotics, or, when used in antibiotic-free production, to achieve bird performance equivalent to flocks receiving sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics,” said Dr. Ron Cravens, President of Amlan International, a Nevada Corporation.
“We’re very pleased our customers’ broilers receiving Varium, experienced improved villi height and a reduction in crypt depth indicating improved intestinal integrity,” said Cravens. “It’s quite notable that an improved European Efficiency Index (EEI) score was also seen, increasing from 350 to 400 points.”
Compared to the control diet that included antibiotics, feeding Varium decreased mortality by 40%, from 6.93% to 4.18%, with improvements seen throughout the growout period, not just in young birds. Feed conversion improved 15 points, from 1.64 to 1.49, with the majority of the gains seen after day 7 and a greater response seen in female broilers.
Varium is a registered product in a variety of countries, including China and Mexico. For a full list of registered countries and a complete study of the results and more information on Varium, please visit Varium is sold outside the U.S.
Reagan Culbertson
(312) 706-3256
Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC), a Delaware corporation and doing business as “Amlan International,” has grown its product offering across the intestinal health and AGP-alternative market, driven largely by the research conducted in its laboratory campus in Vernon Hills, IL. In 2013, the company’s global reach expanded with the establishment of its China subsidiary in Shenzhen. Further information on Amlan International is available at
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