Varium™ Approved in Philippines for Necrotic Enteritis Treatment
CHICAGO, IL—The Philippines Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry recently approved Varium™ as a treatment for necrotic enteritis in poultry and as a tool to improve gut health, categorizing it as a performance enhancer that impacts feed efficiency, weight gain and lesion scores.
Produced by Amlan International, a leader in improving intestinal health in livestock, Varium™ is a unique new non‐antibiotic formulated product that acts like an antibiotic growth promoter (AGP). Results from multiple research studies showed that the product consistently reduced the effects of bacteria‐associated enteric disease, which has been estimated to cost the global poultry industry close to US$6 billion annually.
“In addition to achieving growth performance equivalent to commercial AGPs, Varium has been shown to lower Clostridium perfringens‐induced necrotic enteritis lesion scores, improve feed conversion, reduce mortality and support weight gain,” said Dr. Ron Cravens, President, Amlan International. “In clinical trials, Varium provided a ROI of 3:1 or higher.”
Interest in AGP alternatives that address bird intestinal health while enhancing performance is growing in light of the expanding global shift toward no antibiotics ever poultry production. In clinical studies, Varium promoted broiler growth equivalent to AGPs by reducing the level of pathogens and harmful biotoxins that damage the intestinal lining, stimulating early immune function, and strengthening the intestinal barrier function.
More information on Varium can be found at Watch the video for insight on intestinal health challenges and Varium’s mode of action.
About Amlan International
A wholly owned subsidiary of the Oil‐Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC), Amlan International helps producers increase animal productivity by developing products that enhance intestinal health and function. Since its inception in 2007, Amlan has grown its product offering across the intestinal health and AGP‐alternative market, driven largely by the research overseen by its laboratory campus in Vernon Hills, IL. In 2014, the company’s global reach expanded with the opening of China operations in Shenzhen. Further information on Amlan International is available at Amlan–Productivity for Life.
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